This year sign on will be done online
Please make sure registration is complete by 01/07/2024
All parents/guardians will need to register at
Please choose the option of parent and then add your child
If you have more than one child, you can add each child
Once you have registered you will be asked to fill out and update a series of Membership information regarding your child
Please then pay the £20 sign on Fee at
And set up your monthly class for kid’s fee payment if not already done.
This years fees are as follows.
Sign on fee – everyone £20
Playing member £180
Training Only £90
Playing member £15
Training Only £7.50
Please note, if your subs are in arrears your child’s sign on will not be processed until the outstanding payment has been received. This may mean that your child will not be able to play games until payment is up to date.
Membership Fees for Season 2024/2025
Playing and membership fees for PUYFC season 2024-2025 will be as per the information outlined below.
The club is a non-profit organisation run entirely by unpaid volunteers. This one signing on fee covers all playing and training costs, including:
If you do wish to pay in full, please see the information below
Membership fee in full including sign on fee
Playing member £200
Training Only £110
Bank details –
Acc name - PUYFC Ltd
Acc No - 01883296
Sort code - 30-99-56
Reference - Player reference (abbreviate, if need be, for example U15 J)
Thank you for your continued support
Looking forward to a fantastic 2024/2025 season
PUYFC committee